Month: Fevral 2024

As part of its Tech Talent Strategy, Canada is allowing digital nomads to come to the country for up to six months and work remotely in tech roles. This is in alignment with what former Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Minister Sean Fraser called a generational opportunity for economic growth. “We’re actually creating a
Prince Edward Island has issued invitations to apply to 78 skilled worker Canada immigration candidates in a new provincial draw. The February 1 draw saw invitations issued through the Labour Impact and Express Entry Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) stream. Invitations were issued to individuals working in the Healthcare, Construction, Manufacturing, Food
Are you a candidate with skills and qualifications in one of Canada’s 82 jobs for occupation-specific Express Entry draws? We want to help you move to Canada. Please submit your CV here.  Canada has conducted the first major Express Entry draw for the new year, issuing a whopping 7,000 Invitations to Apply (ITAs) under the French language proficiency category.
Are you a candidate with skills and qualifications in one of Canada’s 82 jobs for occupation-specific Express Entry draws? We want to help you move to Canada. Please submit your CV here. Foreign nationals who are qualified to provide assistance in the delivery of healthcare services can expect to see even more opportunities to gain their permanent residence here through occupation-targeted Express