Month: Fevral 2021

Did you know there are 300,000 Canadians residing in Hong Kong as dual citizens? Dual citizenship, also known as dual nationality, is when a person is a citizen of two countries simultaneously. Every country varies in its citizenship laws, so what makes you eligible for being a dual citizen varies from place to place. Sometimes
Last Updated on February 1, 2021 Nigeria is a leader for entrepreneurship with more technology hubs than any other country in Africa and booming with start-ups that could benefit from access to Canadian and American markets through Canada’s Start-Up Visa program. In its Global Start-up Ecosystem Report 2019, the Startup Genome research and advisory organization
The percentage of immigrant workers in the construction workforce is rising, according to an analysis of the most recent 2016 American Community Survey. Immigrant workers constitute nearly 25% of the overall construction workforce, accounting for an average of 30% in the construction trades. Construction workers are also known as construction laborers who work on construction sites. They are responsible